Monday 12 January 2015

Prologue: 1 | Fresh Start

"When Dejuan said that he could get us our own place, I didn't expect this to be the result..."

Naomi and Dejuan have been married for a month, and up until now they've lived in Naomi's parents' basement. But with the recent passing of his uncle Bertie, a large field was passed onto Dejuan. It only had a small shed of a home and an outhouse, but now that she was here, she couldn't exactly turn him down.

"We have no money, and no jobs. How will we even start a family like this?" Naomi said through sobs, she wasn't used to being in the way of misfortune.

"We can make this work love, lets go into town now and see if we can't find ourselves a job."

Dejuan was always the optimist, but for once he was starting to have doubts. what if he couldn't provide for his love? He had to shoo the thoughts away as the taxi arrived, he was glad this little country town provided free public transport. They only had 45 simoleons to spare.

Naomi managed to find herself a position within the journalism industry as a paper girl, and Dejuan got himself a shot in the music industry, although he's not much right now. He'll improve.
They both thought it would be best to pay a visit to Naomis boss, although they quickly felt insecure with their own living conditions as it became evident that her boss was rich beyond belief. 

Naomi made sure to spend as much time with her boss as possible, she was sure that being close to this woman would secure her position in the industry. Although she was tempted, she refrained from admitting their living situation or asking for a raise to help them out of their money troubles.

Although Dejuan was very much enjoying studying a bit of cooking whilst in the lap of luxury, he quickly put everything away when Naomi loudly announced their departure.

Dejuan secretly promised himself that he would return to this palace of a home, they had nice books and a good fire. Naomi although doubtful, promised herself that her descendants would live in a home as grand as this even if she didn't.

Naomi isn't sure she'll get used to this compact lifestyle, nor is she sure they'll ever have the money to make their home more to her liking. But she's sure she'll get sick of the plainness of it all. Dejuan however, seems to be quite comfortable in their new home.

Mind you Dejuan did grow up in these conditions, so if anything they're probably just a comfort. He does miss uncle Bertie though, they always ate outside together when he was a kid.

Although Naomis comforts seem to be more of the, indoors and warm variation. She enjoyed watching a little romance film while she ate her dinner alone. It's common practice for the pair to be apart most of the time, although Dejuan secretly hopes this experience will bring them closer to one another.



So this is the part where it's just me, no story, so that you know for the future parts ♥
I've started this blog b/c my simblr is on hiatus right now and I really wanted to play some sims with a story, sooooooo that's what I'm doing. Although mind you I might link in a good fair share of challenges with this, depends how I feel and how others react, if anyone reacts. 

Naomis traits are - Workaholic, Bookworm, Friendly, Natural Cook, Neat.
Dejuans traits are - Workaholic, Absent-minded, Perfectionist, Party Animal, Virtuoso.

Naomis LTW is to become a Star News Anchor and Dejuans is to become a Rock Star.

 I don't know where I'm going with this story just yet, but it is good fun. I'm hoping that the outhouse won't cause a problem for the pair. As it stands they have plenty room to expand but literally 45 simoleons. They'll be working a while before anything fun happens I think.

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